
5 credits for free

We help you to stay safe online

Put an end to data theft! Our Cold Browser ensures your online security by allowing you to test web addresses received via e-mail, SMS or instant message before opening them in your browser. With a screenshot of the destination, you can easily verify its legitimacy without risking a ransomware attack or the loss of your personal data.

Try now for free

  • No credit card required

  • Cancel anytime

We protect your documents
with digital signature

Fight against document falsification

  • Mark your documents

  • Prevent data leaks

  • Reduce fraud

Stay in control of the ownership of your documents and data! With a simple drag and drop into the document, our totally invisible cryptographic watermark allows you to digitally sign a document without altering its content. The integrity control makes the signature obsolete if the document is modified by a third party.

We protect your documents
with digital signature

Fight against phishing

Fight against phishing

Add a proof ID to your e-mail signature

  • Certify your identity

  • Improve confidence

  • Boost the conversion rate of your mailings

Certify your email address with our anti-phishing tag! Our anti-phishing tag is unique and has a limited validity window, preventing misuse even if it is intercepted or shared. It is an effective solution in the fight against phishing and email fraud.

Protect you against malware
and theft of personal data

Test an unknown url in a remote browser

  • Your identity is hidden

  • Check the destination of a url safely

  • The remote site cannot run any program on your computer

Our "Cold Browser" allows you to test web addresses, received by e-mail, SMS or instant message before opening them on your browser. Through a screenshot of its destination, not executed on your workstation, you can determine its legitimacy or not. No trace on your computer which avoids the installation of malware or the theft of personal data.

Protect you against malware <br> and theft of personal data

Pricing plans for all your needs



per month excl. Tax
  • 200 credits
  • Cold browser
  • Anti-Phishing signature
  • Document certification
  • NFT certification
  • Unlimited document authentications
  • Unlimited NFT authentications
Most popular



per month excl. Tax
  • 500 credits
  • Cold browser
  • Anti-Phishing signature
  • Document certification
  • NFT certification
  • Unlimited document authentications
  • Unlimited NFT authentications
  • API endpoint (soon)



per month excl. Tax
  • 3500 credits
  • Cold browser
  • Anti-Phishing signature
  • Document certification
  • NFT certification
  • Unlimited document authentications
  • Unlimited NFT authentications
  • API endpoint (soon)

Ordolib - Pro Santé


per month excl. Tax
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Ready to enhance your digital security with GoatsTRUST?

Start your free trial now